
Alien Xmas Movie 300MB Hindi Dubbed

DOWNLOAD  "Alien Xmas" is a stop-motion animated Christmas special that was released in 2020. It is a collaboration between Chiodo Bros. Productions and Netflix. Here's some information about the movie: Title: Alien Xmas Release Year: 2020 Directors: Stephen Chiodo Production Companies: Chiodo Bros. Productions, Netflix Animation Genre: Animation, Family, Christmas Plot: "Alien Xmas" tells the story of a small alien named X, who is part of a race of extraterrestrials called the "Xenomorphs." These mischievous aliens plan to steal Earth's gravity to add to their own collection of planets. However, when X stumbles upon Santa Claus's workshop and learns about the meaning of Christmas, he has a change of heart. X decides to help Santa Claus and his elves save Christmas and protect Earth's gravity. Together, they embark on an adventure to stop the Xenomorph invasion and restore the holiday spirit. Themes: The movie explores themes of friendship,...

Over The Moon Full Movie in Hindi Dubbed 300MB 480P

DOWNLOAD "Over the Moon" is an animated musical film released in 2020. It is a co-production between the United States and China and was directed by Glen Keane. Here's some information about the movie: Title: Over the Moon Release Year: 2020 Director: Glen Keane Production Companies: Pearl Studio, Netflix Animation, Sony Pictures Imageworks Genre: Animation, Musical, Adventure Plot: "Over the Moon" follows the story of a young girl named Fei Fei. Determined to prove the existence of the Moon Goddess Chang'e from her father's stories, Fei Fei builds a rocket and embarks on a journey to the moon. Once there, she encounters various fantastical creatures and teams up with a colorful cast of characters to find Chang'e and discover the truth. Themes: The movie explores themes of love, loss, and the power of imagination. It delves into the importance of family bonds, the process of grief, and the ability to find hope and joy even in the face of adversity. ...

Latte and the Magic Waterstone Full Movie in Hindi 300MB

DOWNLOAD "Latte and the Magic Waterstone" is an animated film released in 2019. It is a German-Belgian collaboration known as "Latte Igel und der magische Wasserstein" in German. Here's some information about the movie: Title: Latte and the Magic Waterstone (Original title: "Latte Igel und der magische Wasserstein") Release Year: 2019 Directors: Regina Welker, Nina Wels Production Companies: Dreamin' Dolphin Film, Eagle Eye Filmproduktion, Grid Animation Genre: Animation, Adventure, Family Plot: "Latte and the Magic Waterstone" follows the story of a young hedgehog named Latte. Latte embarks on a journey to save her forest and its inhabitants from a drought caused by the lack of a magic waterstone. Along her adventure, she is joined by a squirrel named Tjum, and together they face various challenges and encounter different animal characters. Their ultimate goal is to find the missing waterstone and restore balance to their home. Themes: T...

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 in Hindi Dubbed Download 720P

DOWNLOAD "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2" is an animated film and the sequel to "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." It was released in 2013 and continues the comedic and imaginative story of inventor Flint Lockwood and his adventures with food weather. Here's some information about the movie: Title: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Release Year: 2013 Directors: Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn Production Company: Sony Pictures Animation Genre: Animation, Comedy, Adventure Plot: In "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2," the story picks up shortly after the events of the first film. Flint Lockwood, the brilliant inventor, and his friends are tasked with returning to Swallow Falls (now known as Chewandswallow), which has been transformed into a food-filled jungle by his infamous invention, the FLDSMDFR. Upon their arrival, they discover that the FLDSMDFR is still operational and is now creating "foodimals" – creatures made entirely of food. Fli...

Despicable Me 3 Full Movie In Hindi Download 480P 300MB

DOWNLOAD "Despicable Me 3" is an animated film that is part of the "Despicable Me" franchise. It was released in 2017 as a sequel to "Despicable Me 2" and continues the adventures of the lovable supervillain-turned-hero, Gru. Here's some information about the movie: Title: Despicable Me 3 Release Year: 2017 Directors: Pierre Coffin, Kyle Balda, Eric Guillon Production Company: Illumination Entertainment Genre: Animation, Comedy, Adventure Plot: In "Despicable Me 3," Gru, now a reformed supervillain, faces a new challenge when he discovers that he has a long-lost twin brother named Dru. Dru is a wealthy and charismatic individual who wants Gru to return to a life of villainy. Meanwhile, a new supervillain named Balthazar Bratt, a former child star obsessed with his '80s persona, emerges as a threat. Gru, along with his loyal Minions, Lucy (his wife), and their three adopted daughters, must work together to stop Bratt's evil plans and n...

Bambi 2 Full Movie in Hindi Download 480P Free

DOWNLOAD  "Bambi II" is an animated film that serves as a midquel to the classic Disney film "Bambi." It was released in 2006 as a direct-to-video production. Here's some information about the movie: Title: Bambi II Release Year: 2006 Director: Brian Pimental Production Company: Walt Disney Pictures Genre: Animation, Drama, Family Plot: "Bambi II" takes place in the middle of the original "Bambi" film and explores the events immediately following the death of Bambi's mother. The story focuses on Bambi, a young deer who is still coming to terms with the loss of his mother and struggling to find his place in the forest. Bambi is now under the care of his father, the Great Prince of the Forest, who initially finds it challenging to connect with his son. The film follows their journey as the Great Prince tries to teach Bambi about the ways of the forest and prepare him for his future as the new prince. Themes: The movie primarily explores the...

Princess Mononoke Full Movie Hindi Dubbed Download 480P 560MB

DOWNLOAD "Princess Mononoke" is a critically acclaimed animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. It was released in 1997 in Japan and gained international recognition for its stunning visuals, complex characters, and thought-provoking themes. Here's some information about the movie: Title: Princess Mononoke (original title: "Mononoke-hime") Director: Hayao Miyazaki Studio: Studio Ghibli Release Year: 1997 Plot: "Princess Mononoke" is set in a fantasy version of medieval Japan and follows the story of Ashitaka, a young prince who becomes cursed while defending his village from a demon boar. In search of a cure, Ashitaka ventures into the wilderness and becomes embroiled in a conflict between humans and the gods of the forest. He encounters San, a human girl raised by wolves who fights against the humans' destructive actions. San is known as Princess Mononoke, which means "spirits of the forest" in Japanese. As...