The Little Mermaid Disney (1989) Full Movie in Hindi 480P


"The Little Mermaid" is a beloved animated film released by Walt Disney Pictures in 1989. It is based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen and is often credited with reviving the Disney animated feature film genre, known as the "Disney Renaissance."

The story follows Ariel, a young and adventurous mermaid princess who is fascinated by the human world and longs to be part of it. Despite her father, King Triton's, strict rules against interacting with humans, Ariel strikes a deal with the sea witch Ursula to trade her voice for a pair of legs. With the help of her friends, Flounder the fish and Sebastian the crab, Ariel embarks on a journey to win the heart of Prince Eric, a human prince whom she saved from a shipwreck.

However, Ariel only has three days to make the prince fall in love with her and receive the "kiss of true love" to remain human permanently. Along the way, she faces challenges and obstacles, including Ursula's schemes and the conflict between her desire to be with Eric and her longing to return to her underwater home.

"The Little Mermaid" is renowned for its memorable characters, delightful music, and enchanting animation. It features iconic songs composed by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, including "Part of Your World," "Under the Sea," and "Kiss the Girl," which have become enduring classics in the Disney songbook.

The film received critical acclaim and was a commercial success, marking the beginning of a new era for Disney animated films. It was nominated for several Academy Awards and won two for Best Original Song ("Under the Sea") and Best Original Score.

"The Little Mermaid" continues to captivate audiences of all ages with its magical storytelling, beautiful animation, and themes of following one's dreams, love, and self-discovery. It remains a cherished and iconic part of Disney's animated filmography.


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