Trolls World Tour Full Movie in Hindi 300MB 480P
"Trolls World Tour" is a computer-animated musical film that was released in 2020. It serves as a sequel to the 2016 film "Trolls" and features the same colorful and vibrant characters. The movie is set in a world inhabited by different tribes of trolls, each representing a different genre of music.
In "Trolls World Tour," the main characters, Poppy and Branch, discover that there are other troll tribes beyond their own. Each tribe is dedicated to a specific genre of music, such as pop, rock, funk, techno, country, and classical. The plot revolves around Queen Barb, the leader of the rock trolls, who seeks to unite all the tribes under rock music and eliminate other genres.
Poppy and Branch embark on a journey to save their music and stop Queen Barb's plan. Along the way, they meet trolls from various tribes and learn about the importance of diversity and embracing different forms of music. The movie combines humor, adventure, and music to deliver an entertaining and colorful experience.
"Trolls World Tour" features a star-studded voice cast, including Anna Kendrick as Poppy, Justin Timberlake as Branch, Rachel Bloom as Queen Barb, and many more. The film received positive reviews for its animation, music, and messages of inclusivity.
It's worth noting that "Trolls World Tour" was released during the COVID-19 pandemic, and due to widespread theater closures, it became available as a digital rental and on-demand release instead of a traditional theatrical release.
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