The Wild Thornberrys 2002 Dual Audio 480P BluRay



"The Wild Thornberrys Movie" is a 2002 animated film based on the popular Nickelodeon animated television series "The Wild Thornberrys." Directed by Cathy Malkasian and Jeff McGrath, the film follows the adventures of the Thornberry family as they travel to Africa and become involved in a mission to rescue a baby cheetah from poachers. Here is a summary of the storyline:

The film begins with the Thornberry family, which consists of Nigel and Marianne Thornberry, their daughters Eliza and Debbie, and their adopted son Donnie, who communicates through a series of animal sounds. The Thornberrys are an eccentric family that travels the world as documentary filmmakers, with the unique ability to communicate with animals.

During their expedition in Africa, Eliza, the youngest member of the family, discovers that poachers are after a baby cheetah named Tally. Eliza is determined to save Tally and return her to her rightful family in the wild.

However, Eliza's well-meaning actions put her family in danger when she secretly releases Tally from captivity, causing her parents to become furious with her. As a result, Eliza loses her ability to communicate with animals, a power bestowed upon her by a magical shaman.

Undeterred, Eliza embarks on a solo journey to rescue Tally and reunite her with her cheetah family. Along the way, Eliza encounters various challenges and meets new friends, including a resourceful chimpanzee named Darwin.

As Eliza fights against time and battles the poachers, her family realizes the importance of her unique connection with animals. They rally together to help Eliza and join her in her mission to save Tally and expose the poachers.

"The Wild Thornberrys Movie" explores themes of family, conservation, and the importance of empathy towards animals. It showcases the beauty of wildlife and the need for preserving their natural habitats. The film combines adventure, humor, and heartfelt moments to create an entertaining and educational animated movie suitable for audiences of all ages.


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